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Next Tech Food Factories

The food processors of the future 

More sensors, artificial intelligence, digital twins, robots and other smart technologies in the food processing industry. Digital technologies that offer countless opportunities to produce in a more sustainable, flexible, demand-oriented, efficient and labor-friendly way.

The food processors of the future: that is the mission of Next Tech Food Factories. Because we believe in a prominent role for key technologies in the food chains of the future in which food processors play an important role. These food chains are precise, circular, valuable and connected to people and society. 

In Next Tech Food Factories, food processing companies, high-tech suppliers and machine builders are working together to develop, test and implement robotization, artificial intelligence and other smart technologies in food processing. Examples include cobots that can take over heavy or monotonous work from humans. In this way, key technologies help food processors to improve working conditions in the factory, increase labor productivity and set up business operations more efficiently and sustainably. More with fewer hands, but also with fewer emissions. Better for people, business and nature.

About us 

Next Tech Food Factories is the program office of AgriFood Capital and Brainport Development that enables the application of more smart technologies in the food processing industry. Advanced high-tech systems that help food processors operate more efficiently and sustainably, with a focus on quality and food safety. Smart technologies also contribute to better working conditions and higher labor productivity.

Next Tech Food Factories supports companies in their innovation processes.

Next Tech Food Factories offers innovation vouchers, coaching, training and a knowledge network.


Next Tech Food Factories supports companies in their innovation processes, among other things, with innovation vouchers, coaching, training and access to an excellent knowledge network. We organize this within these four projects:

Automation in food processing

In this project, we are working hard to make food processing hands-free by collaborating with experts in automation, robotization and digitization.

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Interregional innovation investments

HIGHFIVE contributes to strategy and implementation roadmap of the S3 partnership SS4AF, with all cluster partners of the HIGHFIVE project being members of SS4AF.

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This innovation hub motivates and supports digitisation of companies and chains in southern Netherlands, including food. Klikopmorgen is the entrepreneur portal.

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Food scalEUp

Expanding the European digital ecosystem for agri-food acceleration. The long-term vision of the project is to promote the capacity of European regional digital

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